Hi Larry,

> Have you tried using static linktype on the Makefile.PL?  I had to
> under HPUX
> (from the README)
>   make realclean
>   perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=static
>   make
>   make perl       (you'll need to use and install _this_ new perl
> binary)
>   make test
>   make -f Makefile.aperl inst_perl MAP_TARGET=perl  (install new perl)
>   make install                                      (install
> DBD::Oracle)

of course did so earlier (but forgot to mention in first mail).
Afterwards - while executing "make test" - Oracle-DB refused connect and
was no longer available (ORA-01034) - for any application at all :-(
So I tried the way with "perl Makefile.PL -p" (as also in README) - and
"make test" worked beautiful. Now I thought this must be the right way:
ran "make install" -> fine. But then (for example same
general-test-script but from command line: "perl t/general.t"): "Can't
locate loadable object for module DBD::Oracle in @INC" . Therefore it
doesn't says which object it is looking for, I don't know which path is
missing. But why is "make test" working and doing a beautiful connect,
select, ... and so on - but it doesn't if you run the test from the
command line - as same user??? There has to be an Environment-Problem,
but which? I think "make" is setting something from its makefile while
executing with test-routines, that I am not able to identify.


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