Oracle Names is supported. Ensure you have your SQLNET.ORA file set to use names
if the entry is not found in the tnsnames.ora file.


If you can connect to sqlplus via names, you should be able to connect via dbi.


"Ben Schol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 21/03/2001 15:07:12

cc:    (bcc: Kwabena ASARE/IBEU/HSBC)

Subject:  Connect to Oracle using Oracle Names


I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using Oracle Names but cannot
get it to work. If I add the database to tnsnames.ora it works fine.

Is Oracle Names not supported and if not will it ever be supported?


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{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
\uc1\pard\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs20 Hi,\par
I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using Oracle Names but cannot get it
to work. If I add the database to tnsnames.ora it works fine.\par
Is Oracle Names not supported and if not will it ever be supported?\par
Ben Schol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])\par


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