On 2 Apr 2001, at 17:33, Millman, Phillip wrote:

> I have an Access database that I would like to be able to update/query
> from Unix.  What is the best way to do this?  Can I use ODBC on UNIX?

:) ... oh geee ...  I once had to do something like this for an MS 
SQL server. I managed to connect and read values but I was not 
able to update but that could have been permissions problems; as 
the project fell through I never pursued it.  Anyhow I did this through 
freetds (and I remember reading a lot about sybase at the time for 
some reason):


> FreeTDS is a project to document and implement the TDS (Tabular
> DataStream) protocol. TDS is used by Sybase and Microsoft for client
> to database server communications. The FreeTDS project will implement
> many call level interfaces including: DB-Lib, CT-Lib, ODBC, JDBC, and
> Perl DBI

I recall it being a lot of work. Apparently there are a few companies 
that sell/support systems for doing this.


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
                -- Philip K. Dick

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