Hi all,

  I have a perl CGI form like thus:

  X | Call No   | Call No textfield
  X | Problem  | Problem textfield

  The X's represent checkboxes.

  In the backend, I have two arrays:

  @fields: checked fields
  @entries: text fields with entries.

  my code for generating the SQL is below. My problem
  occurs when one enters text into more than one text
  field. For example, say I check "Call No" and "Problem"
  and enter "111" and "seating" into their respective
  text fields. The SQL becomes:

  SELECT call_no, problem FROM HELP WHERE
    ( call_no LIKE 111 problem LIKE seating )

  There needs to be an "AND" in the WHERE clause. The SQL
  should read:

  SELECT call_no, problem FROM HELP WHERE
    ( call_no LIKE 111 AND problem LIKE seating )

  I'll be stuffed if I know how to do it.

  Can the monks help me???




    $nfields = @fields;

    foreach $i (@entries) {
      if ($i ne '') {
        push @full_entries, $i;

    $sql = sprintf "SELECT %s FROM HELP WHERE (", join(", ", @fields);

    for ($j = 0; $j < $nfields; $j++) {
      if ($full_entries[$j] ne '') {
        $sql .= sprintf " %s LIKE %s ", $fields[$j], $full_entries[$j];

    $sql .= ")";

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