I don't know if this will help, but try changing

$dbh->disconnect || print "$DBI::errstr $DBI::err\n";


$dbh->disconnect() or die("$DBI::errstr $DBI::err\n");

I'm probably wrong, but if something is wrong with disconnect, but not
'die'ing, you might be causing it to hang on the print.  Since disconnect
is at the very end of your script and a failure in disconnect probably
indicates something serious... I'd just let it die.

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Jamie Orzechowski wrote:

> Hello ... I have a script which connected to a MS SQL database ... it hangs
> right at the end of the script ... if I check my database it DOES insert all
> the information correctly ... it just hangs and never exits ... any ideas??
> here is the script ...
> !/usr/bin/sybaseperl
> $ENV{'SYBASE'}="/opt/sybase";
> $ENV{'DSQUERY'}="rodopi";
> use DBI;
> use Date::Manip;
> use Date::Format;
> $tomorrow = time2str("%h %d %Y", UnixDate(ParseDate("tomorrow"),"%s"));
> $todaystring = &ParseDate("today");
> $today = time2str("%m/%d/%Y", UnixDate(ParseDate("today"),"%s"));
> $thismonth = time2str("%m/01/%Y", UnixDate(ParseDate("today"),"%s"));
> $lastmonth = time2str("%m/01/%Y", UnixDate(ParseDate("lastmonth"),"%s"));
> $charge = 3;
> $extracharge = 0;
> $duration = 6;
> $tax = 1.07;
> $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:database=XXXXX", "XXXXXX", "XXXXXXX");
> $sql = <<_ENDSQL;
> SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Plans.PlanID, Emails.PopName,
> Emails.EmailAddress, Emails.Password
> FROM Plans INNER JOIN Customers ON Plans.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
> INNER JOIN Emails ON Plans.PlanID = Emails.PlanID
> WHERE Emails.PopName="$emailname" AND Emails.EmailAddress="$email" AND
> Emails.Password="$password"
> $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
> $sth->execute || warn $sth->errstr;
> while (@detail = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
>         $custid = $detail[0];
>         $emailid = $detail[1];
>         $popname = $detail[2];
>         $address = $detail[3];
>         $password = $detail[4];
>         $realname = $detail[5];
>         print "Custid  :  $custid\n";
>         print "EmailId :  $emailid\n";
>         print "address :  $address\n";
>         print "Popname :  $popname\n";
>         print "Password:  $password\n";
>         print "Real    :  $real\n";
>         print "Today   :  $today\n";
> }
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Insert Plan
> $exec = qq{ Exec Subscribe_InsertPlan $custid,136,6,11,"$today"};
> $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($exec);
> $sth2->execute || warn $sth2->errstr;
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Find New Plan Id
> $sql3 = <<_ENDSQL;
> SELECT Plans.PlanID, Plans.CustomerID, Plans.PlanInfoID, Plans.Closed
> FROM Plans
> WHERE Plans.CustomerID=$custid AND Plans.PlanInfoID=136 AND Plans.Closed = 0
> $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
> $sth3->execute || warn $sth3->errstr;
> while (@detail = $sth3->fetchrow_array) {
>         $planid = $detail[0];
>         $custid2 = $detail[1];
>         $planinfoid = $detail[2];
> }
>         print "PlanID  :  $planid\n";
>         print "CustID  :  $custid2\n";
>         print "PlanInfo:  $planinfoid\n";
> #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #Set the next billing date
> $sql4 = <<_ENDSQL;
> INSERT INTO PlansBillState (PlanID, UnitTypeID, LastBillDate, NextBillDate)
> VALUES ($planid, 2, "$today", "07/01/2001")
> $sth4 = $dbh->prepare($sql4);
> $sth4->execute || warn $sth4->errstr;
> #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Add a email login to virus scan table
> $exec5 = qq{ Exec Subscribe_InsertLogins $planid, "$popname", "$password"};
> $sth5 = $dbh->prepare($exec5);
> $sth5->execute || warn $sth5->errstr;
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Add Debit to account
> $extracharge = ($charge * $duration) * $tax;
> $exec6 = qq{ Exec Bill_AddDebit $planid,2,"$today",$extracharge,"EMail Virus
> Scanning","$thismonth"
> $sth6 = $dbh->prepare($exec6);
> $sth6->execute || warn $sth6->errstr;
> $dbh->disconnect || print "$DBI::errstr  $DBI::err\n";

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