I am using DBD::ODBC drivers to connect to a Sybase 11.5 database. I have 
migrated a bunch of procedures from Oracle 8i that use output parameters to 
return data. I was migrating an abstract database interface that I built 
dbObject.pm, which previously called the Oracle stored procedures. I 
verified that the ODBC prepare statement was being correctly built {call 
get_seq(?,?,?)} and when I called DBI::bind_param_inout on the 3rd output 
parameter I got the error message "Can't bind output values (currently)". 
Now I know I am not the only one who has ever tried this so can someone 
please tell me how to bind Perl variables to stored procedure's output 
parameters using DBD::ODBC.


                       (o o)
Bruce Hodge            DynaScript Internet Language
P.O. Box 428           http://www.dynascript.com
Greenfield, NY 12833   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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