>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Thirumalai, Radhika  
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 4:25 PM
> Subject:      DBIx::XML_RDB
> I'm trying to export data from a database to an XML file using
> DBIx::XML_RDB module. 
> When I execute the code below, i get the error message "connection failed
> - Failed to make new xmlout". Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
> Radhika.
> __________________________________________________________________________
> ___
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use DBI;
> use DBIx::XML_RDB;
> my $dsn = "DBI:ODBC:database=sample;host=localhost";
> my $user = 'user';
> my $password = '';
> my $xmlout = DBIx::XML_RDB->new($dsn, "ODBC", $user, $password, "sample")
> or die "Failed to make new xmlout";
> $xmlout->DoSql(qq{select * from employees});
> open(XML, ">c:/xmltest/test.xml") or 
>                       die "Could not open xml file for writing: $! \n";
> print XML $xmlout->GetData;
> close XML or die "Error closing file: $!\n";

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