
This must be a common thing to do but have not  seen an example to 

Must  create a web input form dialogue box ( dbi/oracle/CGI module )
which allows user to input a string.   String will be placed in 
table if it is unique.  String must be unique since it
is to be placed into a primary key field.  How would one  force
or promt the user to enter a unique string by either:

1.) appending some characters onto the string before being inserted
    into database ( in case there is an identicle string in the table 
    already - meaning the database requires a search for that string
     on the table in question before each insert )


2.) gracefully, have the form respond to user that the string is already in
     the database (meaning a search must happen once the string is entered  
    the form before attempting to place it into database.   User must then 
pick a new 
      string if search comes back positive. Or user could then use the string
      already found in the database as his form input ( upon being alerted 
      after selecting the already present string).  At that point the string 
      not inserted into database but used nonetheless as part of the users
      choice" to then do other operations with it.


3.) any idea is welcome similar to or combining ideas from 1) & 2).

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