I'm getting conversion errors (VARCHAR to [SMALL]DATETIME) on an
insert.  I have a structure that contains a list of params that need to be
inserted into a db table.  Prior to insertion, I make sure that undef
values are treated as SQL NULLs:

for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#array; $i++)
     if ((!DBI::looks_like_number($array[$i]) && (!$array[$i]))
          $array[$i] = $dbh->quote($array[$i];

Then I go through and use bind_param on all the array members, specifying
each params SQL data type:

$sth->bind_param(1, \$array[0], SQL_DATE);

I have 4 date values that are inserted into the db... the corresponding db
inserting are (NULL, NULL, 20010429 14:01:35, 20010429 14:10:22).  I can
see where NULL may get misinterpreted, but why would the last two values
be misinterpreted as VARCHAR... in fact, it was my understanding that
specifying SQL_DATE would automatically format these values properly.

Prior to doing this, I used a stored proc to insert values like
NULL... the sp was able to tell that NULL meant SQL_NULL and not
"NULL".  However, Sybase won't let me bind values to a stored proc call
(those significantly slowing the application since I have to prepare each
time in the loop) and the version of Perl I am using will not let me pass
undef to an SQL statement w/o causing a SEGV signal and a core dump.  I
cannot change the Perl setup I have so I have to code around them.

Curt Crandall

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