> The problem: I've written a web site thinking that DBI and DBD were
> standard. Now I find they are not and the ISP will not load them for
> everyone to use :(.  This is my first venture into PERL so I don't know
> what I'm doing. 
> I need to load the DBD, DBI and CSV drivers into the web site's private
> space. It is a virtual server. 
> I've used FindBin to find the CGI-BIN directory, and created a sub-
> directory under it (perl) for the DBD and DBI modules. 
> into this directory I have placed the following files. 
>    DBI.pm
>    DBI\DBD.pm
>    DBD\CSV.pm
>    SQL\statement.pm
>    SQL\eval.pm
>    SQL\STATEMENT\hash.pm
>    TEXT\CSV_XS.pm
> These are, I think, all the dependant modules that I need.  
> My code finds the DBI module but fails to load something and omits to
> tell me what it is. :(  
> The screen returned is 
> Software error:
> Can't locate loadable object for module DBI in @INC (@INC contains:
> C:/Xitami/cgi-bin/perl C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib .) at C:/Xitami/cgi-
> bin/perl/DBI.pm line 182
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/Xitami/cgi-bin/perl/DBI.pm line
> 182.

Dbi and DBD need to be compiled on the target system.
Just copying the modules isnt enough.


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