On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 12:18:55PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tim,
> Is my assumption correct that either:
> OCIStmtPrepare  or OCIStmtExecute 
> should return an error of some sort ?? 

I'd expect OCIStmtExecute to return OCI_ERROR or OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.

But since the update says it updated 0 rows perhaps the problem lies
there.  I.e., the where clause didn't match (for whatever obscure
reason, maybe charset issues) so Oracle never got to the point of
discovering it would need to truncate the field.

> I did rebuild DBD on the same machine against Oracle 8.1.7. yesterday. 
> We have pretty much all versions of Oracle over here, so I tried it on
> Oracle 7.3.4. (hpux10.20, same perl).. got the same result.
> Would that mean that there's a never-found bug in OCI ?? (kinda hard to
> believe it has persisted for so long)


> Output is below, note that that server is a production/HA-server so I can't
> install DBI 1.16 without testing it extensivly.

That's would be relevant.


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