I replaced the AIX make with a GNU make and deleted the following lines
from the make file

# these two targets are the same as the ones above extproc_no_context
# extproc_with_context. They are preserved for backward compatibility.
            /bin/nm -B -h -g "$$1" | grep -v ' U ' | awk '{print $$3}' |
         egrep -v '^\.|^TOC' | sort | uniq ; \
        }; \
        generate_export_list $(OBJS) > $(SHARED_LIBNAME).exp; \
        $(LD) -bnoentry -bM:SRE -bE:$(SHARED_LIBNAME).exp -o
        $(OBJS) -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lc_r $(OCISHAREDLIBS) $(LIBEXTP) \

Both actions fixed the problem.

Thanks you,

Gilmour Sean-WSG014 wrote:
> The make that ships with 4.3.3 is not that great, you can either get the gnu-make or 
>download a newer c compiler from IBM, I downloaded the latest visual age c++ and it 
>works great.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tobias Hausmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 5:03 PM
> Subject: DBD-Oracle 1.0.7/AIX make problem
> Hi,
> I am working on the following environment:
> AIX 4.3.3,
> Oracle 8.1.6i,
> Perl 5.00503 ,
> DBI 1.15,
> DBD-Oracle 1.0.7
> I am trying to install want to install DBD-Oracle 1.0.7. After perl
> Makefile.PL, make gives me the following error message:
> >make
> Makefile:2425: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8
> spaces?).  Stop.
> I replaced the beginning spaces with a tab and became the following
> error message:
> >make
> Makefile:2425: *** commands commence before first target.  Stop.
> __________________
> Makefile:
> # these two targets are the same as the ones above extproc_no_context
> and
> # extproc_with_context. They are preserved for backward compatibility.
>             /bin/nm -B -h -g "$$1" | grep -v ' U ' | awk '{print $$3}' |
> \ <- error line
>          egrep -v '^\.|^TOC' | sort | uniq ; \
>         }; \
>         generate_export_list $(OBJS) > $(SHARED_LIBNAME).exp; \
>         $(LD) -bnoentry -bM:SRE -bE:$(SHARED_LIBNAME).exp -o
>         $(OBJS) -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lc_r $(OCISHAREDLIBS) $(LIBEXTP) \
> __________________
> Any help or advice will be most welcome.
> Tobias Hausmann

* Tobias Hausmann                    *
* System Administrator               *
* BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER              *
* Vose Hall                          *
* 88 East Newton Street              *
* Boston, MA  02118-2393             *
* Work : (617) 414 - 1856            *
* Fax  : (617) 638 - 8201            *
* Pager: (617) 638 - 5795 PIN#: 1936 *

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