Actually, if you are using Oracle 8 or higher, you can use the RETURNING
clause of a DML statement to give you any column.  The syntax is something
like this ..

$insJR = $dbh -> prepare (q (
    INTO    IIJobRun (IIJobID, StartTimeStamp)
    VALUES  (:jobid, pkg_Calc.Now)
            IIJobRunID INTO :jobrunid
    )) ;
#   Insert the IIJobRun row, and get back the IIJobRunID column value
    $insJR -> bind_param (":jobid", $kIIJobID) ;
    $insJR -> bind_param_inout (":jobrunid", \$JobRunID, 10) ;
    $insJR -> execute ;

This is an extract from an actual script, so I apologize if it doesn't mean
much to you.

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Spath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: How can I get insert_id from DBD::Oracle?

There is no DBD::Oracle equivalent for retrieving the value of 
insert_id.  You must create a sequence within oracle, then retrieve its 
value and assign it to a variable within your script.  You can then use 
that value when you execute your insert and later in your script.


At 12:14 PM 6/8/01 -0700, Gregory wrote:
>I'm migrating from MySQL to Oracle. When I'm executing "INSERT... " with 
>DBD::mysql I could get the id of inserted row with  DBH->{mysql_insertid}. 
>Is there any way to do the same thing with Oracle (DBD::Oracle)?
>Thanks. Grisha.


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