This is not related to DBI although you are using this module.  It doesn't
even look like you made an attempt to look it up in the reference.  @INC is
an array, so how do you alter/add to an array?  I would answer but that
would promote OT questions, and now that is available,
it's very easy to post to comp.lang.perl.misc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mahdi A. Sbeih
Sent: 6/21/01 9:05 AM
Subject: Altering the @INC array
Importance: High

Hi all,

Is there a way to to alter the @INC array, the original @INC is:


and I want my script to go to:


Is this possible, I tried using "use lib @my_INC like this, and when
printing the @INC
it is still the same as before:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use lib @my_INC;
print ("\n\n@INC\n\n");
use DBI;
use DBD::Informix::TechSupport;

print_versions("Perl DBI DBD::Informix ESQL/C Licence");

Mahdi A. Sbeih
Software Engineer
IDS Software Systems

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