Previously, I wrote:
>> I just finished upgrading a bunch of modules. I upgraded from DBI 1.13 to
>> 1.18, DBD::Sybase 0.21 to 0.91, Net::Daemon 0.29 to 0.35, and Storable 0.6.7
>> to 1.0.11. I also had to upgrade File::Spec since my File::Spec didn't have
>> the tmpdir method which now uses. (I'm still using Perl
>> 5.005_03.)

I might have been wrong about this working before I upgraded all those
messages. I could have sworn that my table_info script used to work via
dbiproxy, but I just reverted all of the above modules (except for
File::Spec) back to the versions I was using previously, and table_info still
isn't working.

Unfortunately, I didn't have debug turned on in my dbiproxy logfile, so I
can't prove it definitively one way or the other, though I did notice a fair
number of 'Can't call method "execute" without a package or object reference
at /usr/contrib/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/alpha-dec_osf/DBD/ line
151' errors in my non-debug dbiproxy logfile going back over the past year.

Michael Peppler responded:
> This would mean that the prepare() call in DBD::Sybase's table_info()
> returns undef - but that *should* only happen if you already have an
> active statement handle on that connection, and if DBD::Sybase is
> unable to open a new connection.

Michael, does the table_info method work for you via dbiproxy?

Any suggestions on how I should proceed to get to the bottom of this?

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