Hi all,

I am trying to access an Informix database, that I have only connect
and I am trying to 'eval' the code below, but for some reason that I can't
no error occurred in the first 2 select statements, the error occurred at
SQL statement, which is drop table. When running any of the first 2 select
statments manually, I got
an error that I don't have permissions.

What I am expecting is to exit the eval block from the first SQL statement
since I don't have

I can't identify the problem, is it from the DBI or DBD::Informix, that not
catching the error.


                my ($run_tab_count);
                my ($sql_stmt_drop_run_cnt);
                my ($tab_type)          = 'T';
                my ($tab_name_like)     = 'run%';
                my (@tab_names_array)   = ();
                my ($run_tab_name);
### Starting the eval Block
                eval {
                        ### Quote String Variables
                        my($quoted_tab_type)            =
                        my($quoted_tab_name_like)       =

                        $run_tab_count                  =

select count(*)

from systables

where tabname like $quoted_tab_name_like

AND tabtype = $quoted_tab_type

                        if ($run_tab_count == 0)
                                        print("\nNo RUN Tables Found In The

                        $sql_stmt_drop_run_cnt          =

select tabname

from systables

where tabname like $quoted_tab_name_like

AND tabtype = $quoted_tab_type

                        while ( $run_tab_name =
$sql_stmt_drop_run_cnt->fetchrow_array )
                                        # dropping RUN... tables one at a
                                        print("\nDropping table

                                                        drop table

                        print("\n\nRUN tables dropped successfully....\n");

                        }; # End eval Block...

                if ($@)
                                print LOGFILE "E:\t";
                                ### Disconnect and Exit


-----Original Message-----
From: pkp team [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: DBI error

Hello all:

I have a problem. I have a small script:
"#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;

my $db = 'test';
my $host = 'localhost';
my $id = 'root';
my $pwd= 'passwd';

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db:$host",$id,$pwd);

if(!defined $dbh) {
    die "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr \n";

print "Connected!!\n";

However, i am getting the following error on running the script:
"/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so: undefined
symbol: mysql_init"

I think i should mention here that i had some problems installing DBD::mysql
(it gave me errors everytime i ran make test).
I mentioned it here on the mailing list, and some people suggested that i
can ignore it.

But now i cant even run a simple script.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been stuck on getting
DBI/DBD/Mysql running for more than a week now!

Thanking inadvance,
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