Look at the perldoc for DBD::Informix, you have access to the sqlda

Or the do() and execute() methods return the number of rows affected.

-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Russell Crandall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:15 AM
Subject: getting return messages from non-selects in Informix

I have a FCGI script that lets you enter an sql statement in a textbox and
on submit the statement is submitted to the database.  If it is a select
statement, a table with the results is displayed.  If it is not a select
statement, the program simply prints an error that fetch* didn't work.

I'd like to make this program more intelligent by displaying the message
returned by the database by successful update, delete, insert,
etc. statements.  I'm using Informix and I'm unable to find an attribute
or function that allows me to do this.  I believe in Sybase you can just
do a fetch and grab a particular piece of the result set that would
contain this data (don't have the perldoc for DBD::Sybase in front of me,
so I don't know offhand what the syntax would be to do this).  Is there's
something equivalent I can use under Informix to get this information?


update informix.vp_ppreq
set ts = '2001-07-04 12:00:00'
where prt_date = '2001-03-01'

No rows found.  -----> this is what I want to get!!!

Thank you,

Curt Crandall

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