Not really a DBI issue, but....

You need to store the URL in the database and retrieve it in the select that
also returns the name of the player.  Your CGI will have to build the HTML
around the name when your producing the list of results.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon K. Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 14:33
Subject: links

Hey Everybody,

I have an online database where I use a CGI script that uses the DBI to
return the values from
Mysql. How do I return a link?

For example, if I have a database for hockey players, and I return the name
"Wayne Gretzky."  Is
there a way to make that a link that will go to say, ??

Where would I insert the html tag <a href="";>Wayne
Gretzky</a> ??

Many thanks.


Simon K. Chan

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre

-Albert Einstein

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