Alex Pilosov wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Wim De Hul wrote:
>>I'm trying to install DBI 1.18 on a Sparc Solaris 8 server but I still
>>get the following error:
>>/usr/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
>>/usr/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/typemap Perl.xs >xstmp.c && mv xstmp.c Perl.c
>>cc -c   -xO3 -xdepend    -DVERSION=\"1.18\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.18\" -KPIC 
>>-I/usr/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE -DDBI_NO_THREADS Perl.c
>>/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
>Solaris doesn't come with a C compiler. If you installed GCC, try doing:
>CC=gcc perl Makefile.PL
>If you haven't installed gcc, install gcc. :)

I tried to use the gcc -compiler (it is installed on my Sun and the dir 
is in my $PATH) but after the CC=gcc perl Makefile.PL,

the make still refers to the old  c-compiler (/usr/ucb/cc). Why doesn't 
the makefile contains the gcc-compiler? Is there a way to compile it 
anyway with the gcc-compiler?

Thanx in advance...


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