I ran the script from different Unix box to prepare the output of 
$dbh->trace(9,'dbitrace.log'), fortunately it worked.  After investigation, I realized 
that the script on the original Box was pointing to the database without Intermedia 
option. And that was the reason that execute statement was failing.  So, the original 
script that I posted is OK.

Thank you for your help.


On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 04:35:44PM -0400, Madani, Bardia (B.) wrote:
> I am trying to work with Oracle Intermedia and DBI.  I have posted this problem to 
> mailing list, unfortunately no one replied.  I hope you can help me.
> Here is the issue:
> The Intermedia queries are little different from regular SQL statements.
> Example of Intermedia Query:
> [ select MY_TEXT_COL from MY_TABLE where (contains (MY_TEXT_COL,'FOO') > 0; ]
> The DBI prepare statement doesn't return any error.  But DBI execute returns this 
> :
> Can't execute Query ORA-00904: invalid column name (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)
> The Intermedia queries work fine in sqlplus. I am wondering if DBI can handle 
>Intermedia queries?

Send me the output of adding $dbh->trace(9,'dbitrace.log') before the
prepare() call.


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