> > I'm planning on inheriting from DBI::db.
> >
> > My question is, is it safe to inherit from DBI::db? 
> From: Mitch Helle-Morrissey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Look at the subclass.t test file that comes with the DBI 
> distribution.  In
> short, you'll need to inherit from all three DBI classes: 
> DBI, DBI::db, and
> DBI::st.  You'll need to use the init_rootclass() method so 
> your constructor
> returns an object of the type you created instead of a DBI::db object.
> I've written a subclass which works fine.
> Mitch

Interesting! I guess it's not documented yet because it's still

Is this really necessary, though? Why can't I just say:

package MyDBI;
MyDBI::ISA = qw(DBI::db);

sub connect {
    my $class = shift;
    my $dbh = SUPER::connect(@_);
    bless $dbh, $class;
    return $dbh;

sub do_other_fancy_things {
    # highly secret and exciting code not yet written

Then, it seems to me, for everything except connect, the regular DBI stuff
will happen, right? I'm a bit wary of using the init_rootclass since 
(a) others may be using my code for Important Things, and (b) subclass.t
says, "This whole mechanism is new and experimental - it may change!"

Amir Karger
Curagen Corporation 

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