Hi All,

I am dumping more than 4 Millions of records from Database file to RDBMS.
Here is the thing that I am doing.

1. Connecting to RDBMS and getting the $dbh
2. Opening the Database and reading all its records in LOOP
        -- Creating the $sth as $sth=$dbh->prepare($sqlstmt)
        -- Executing the $sth  and
        -- Closing the $sth
3. Closing the Database file and
4. Disconnecting the $dbh.

I thought this the way how to integrate it. But when I tested my script it
is taking more than 3 hrs in dumping all those records.

Is there something possible, where I can create the Statement once and use
it everytime instead of creating & finishing for each and every record ?  OR
is there any alternative to make it effecient ?

Help || Recommendation || comments are appreciated :-)


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