> From: Sterin, Ilya

> It's actually use DBI (uppper case) not use dbi.  Perl is 
> case sensitive.

Actually, since windows is not case-sensitive when it comes to
file names, it will find the DBI.pm file ok, and 'require' it ok,
but nothing will be exported from the DBI package (since there
is no package 'dbi'). I don't think anything's exported by default from
DBI, so if I'm right then that's not a problem, but it would be a
problem with something like 'use file::find'.

Still, its better practice to 'use DBI' so the package name is the same
as the package name in the 'DBI->connect...' statement, etc. And if you
do export something (as in 'use DBI qw(:sql_types)'), then things will
work ok.

-Douglas Wilson

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