Hi everyone,

I am use Perl:DBI to interface to a Postgres database that contains many
tables with two columns and about 6000 rows.  Inside my perl program, i
need to select one column from each of these 500 tables--as many as 500 at
once--and the way  I'm doing it, it seems to take a lot of time.  I was
wondering if people  might be able to offer some alternate code.  Below is
the appropriate snippet from the program I'm writing:

my $i = 1;
my $vector;
my @matrix;
while ($i<500) {
        $vector = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT induction FROM c$i
order by orf");
        for (0..$#{$vector}) {
                $matrix[$_]->[$i] = $vector[$_];


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