Hiya all,

I have (for illustration purposes) two tables in an ODBC database:
 Table 'Jobs'=JobID,JobDescription,JobDate
 Table 'Users'=UserName,JobID,LastViewedDate

Basically I want to select all JobID's and JobDescriptions from Jobs
where the user has a 'lastvieweddate' within the last 10 days.

That bit I can work out - the problem is, is if there isn't an entry
in the 'Users' table for a particular JobID. I could include nulls for
the UserName for each jobid in the Users table and have an SQL statement in
the format:
 ...AND (Users.UserName='' OR Users.UserName='John Doe')...

But that may give me two records - which I don't really want. I could
temporarily store the duplicates in a Perl array or hash and remove
duplicates that way, but I would prefer a 'pure' SQL solution.

Therefore, the question is:
 * Is there any way of SELECTing Jobs.JobID, Jobs.JobDescription, and
   Jobs.JobDate with Users.LastViewedDate if the UserName is found in
   the Users table complete with the corresponding JobID. If there
   isn't a Users.UserName.Users.JobID=Jobs.JobID entry, still return
   the Jobs.JobID, Jobs.JobDescription and Jobs.JobDate details.

Many thanks,
Richy C.
[speaking personally]
Richard Chiswell, Systems Developer.
Cradley Print Group.
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