My curiosity was actually due to you not wanting to share the personal
problem which would of been very informative in this case.  Then the answer
would of been that there is either a problem with the way you are
downloading it, since we haven't heard of any other such problems, and the
suggestion would of been to go to and type in "DBI download"
which would of gave you hundreds of mirror sites to try.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you if I did, just trying to help you realize
how easy it is to search on the internet:)


-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Vargas
Sent: 8/16/01 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: RE: I need the DBI Module

I have to thank you for the detail of "BDB" instead of "DBD" that was
the whole problem to begin with.

To answer your curiosity I did get to download the DBI from yesterday but for some reason the files where corrupted
when I tried to use them. So I wrote and asked for a place to download
without giving my personal reason which I found to be pointless. That
for some reason made you curious. But thanks to other very nice people
that sent me different reliable url's where I did get to download and
By the way, if you are going to help me it's very appreciated but if you
are going to go over dramatic about this insignificant issue then
please, do NOT answer me.

Maria Elena

>>> "Sterin, Ilya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/16 3:10 PM >>>
Just out of curiosity...

You found the mailing list and the subscription information, you even
what DBI is, but you couldn't find where to download it????

If you go to any search engine and type in DBI download, your first link
should point you to one of the mirrors.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kokarski, Anton
To: 'Maria Vargas'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 8/16/01 11:23 AM
Subject: RE: I need the DBI Module 

-----Original Message-----
From: Maria Vargas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:21 AM
Subject: I need the DBI Module

Where can I download it? 
What is the latest version?

Maria Elena

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