On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 12:26:29PM -0400, Hugo A. Gonzalez F. wrote:
> O.K.
>     Excuse my ENGLISH, but i try to tell to you my problem, if any body can
> undestand in spanish and can translate to english "best".
>     I use this sentences: " Set Transaction read only " / "Set transaction
> use rollback segment  XXXX" , in perl's progrmas, but still use any
> rollback, and my idea is that use none or one in exclusive, from PERL.

Okay...  Hugo is doing Set Transaction statements that should change how
his queries use rollback segments, but the behavior of his queries isn't
actually changing.

Have you turned off AutoCommit?  With AutoCommit on, I think that the Set
Transaction will last only for the duration of the Set Transaction

You can turn off AutoCommit when you connect:

  $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password, { AutoCommit => 0 });

or sometime after you connect:

  $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;

Also, after you call $dbh->commit(), I think you will need to do the Set
Transaction statement again.

>     The version is ORACLE 8.1.7, and PERL 5.003.

Are you really using perl5.003, or did you mean perl5.005_03?  perl5.003 is
quite old.

I hope that's helpful!


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