
I hope that is the right place to put my question.

I'm using Perl2Exe (www.perl2exe.com.) to get executable for Win32 e Linux platform 
from perl source files.

Our application 'ibizGer' uses DBI with DBD::Oracle. Our target is  Win32 & Linux 
It works fine when called by perl : > perl ibizGer (in both platforms)
It works fine for Win32 executable too!

But (in Linux), the executable by Perl2Exe (tiny ou not) shows up the following msg:

    [root@ibizs97 4 Src]# ./ibizGer
    Can't load './Oracle.so' for module DBD::Oracle: ./Oracle.so: undefined symbol:
    PL_no_modify at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/DynaLoader.pm line 169.  
     at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/Lib/lDBConnector.pm line 29
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/Lib/lDBConnector.pm line 29.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ibizGer.pl line 27.     

We are using perl2exe on a NT, generating exec for a Linux platform.
Our perl2exe is V4.03, as said above.

To obtain the exec, we are using the command (at a Win NT console) :
e:\perl2exe_linux\perl2exe\perl2exe -perloptions=-p2x_noshow_includes -embed -tiny 
-libc=6 -platform=linux ibizGer.pl > mklinux.out

Any ideas? Workarounds?
Is anything related to Perl 5.6 & 5.00.... ?

Thanks in advance.


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