>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alex> My tiny annoyance with DBI is (or maybe I don't understand the
Alex> way DBI works) is that the only way I can add driver-specific
Alex> functions to DBI handle is by using $dbh->func('funcname',args),
Alex> which is pretty ugly. Is there a better way to be able to write
Alex> directly $dbh->funcname(args)?

I think you would have to subclass DBI to create database handles that
understand the new methods.  But it would be interesting for DBI's
dbhandles to have an AUTOLOAD (or equivalent) that first attempts a
$dbh->func call with that name.  I don't know if that's worse or
better than a controlled subclass. :)


Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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