
> > I came across this problem that seems to be with DBD::Pg's quote
> > function that is easily reproducible. This test script:
> > 
> >         my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=test", "postgres", "");
> >         my $val = $dbh->quote(q!\'?:!);
> >         print "val: $val\n";
> >         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO foo (a) values ($val)");
> >         $sth->execute;
> > 
> > produces:
> > 
> >         DBD::Pg::st execute failed: parameter unknown at mytest.pl line 6.
> > 
> > If I use mysql, or Oracle, as a driver, it works as expected. I searched
> > through the list, and the only answer seemed to be to use placeholders,
> > which isn't really an option in my situation.
> Quote function is not supposed to quote ? character.
> You must do as follows:
> >         my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=test", "postgres", "");
> >         my $val = q!\'?:!
> >         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO foo (a) values (?)");
> >         $sth->execute($val);
> (And no explicit calls to quote are necessary)

Placeholders isn't really an option in my case.

I realize quote should not quote the ? character, but the driver should
understand that question marks inside of quotes is not to be used as
placeholders, but is rather a question mark. i.e. the following works
of course:

        my $sth = $dbh->prepare ('INSERT INTO foo (a) VALUES ("hello?")');

as the driver realizes that ? is not a placeholder. It's the strange
mix above that causes a problem (oddly, if I remove the :, it works

Does anyone more familiar with the DBD::Pg internals know what the
sequens is to look for that will catch this? If I remove the : or the \
from the insert above, it works fine. 



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