THAT' S IT !!!!
thank you very much :))))))))

Do you think the dbish pb is linked to that ?

Best regards

> -----------------------------------------------
>>I don't understand what happen since the script work fine under apache
>>user session, nobody user session and root user session (httpd process
>>is running under apache account). In other words, everybody can start
>>that script except apache through the browser !
> #==============================================================
> Try this at start of your script
> $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}='/ora9i';  # here will be your path to Oracle
> $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}='carto';  # here your SID
> I think your script does not work under Apache because it is hot have shell
> (it can't have shell) and nobody not set Oracle's environment variables !
> You may try set another required Oracle variables (TWO_TASK, ORACLE_BASE...)
> by analogue.
> With hello, Romych...

Eddie IANNUCCELLI - tel: 05 61 28 54 44
INRA, Laboratoire de Génétique Cellulaire
Chemin de Borde Rouge - Auzeville -BP27
31326 Castanet Tolosan

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