On 2001-09-13 17:01:20 -0400, Rob Ransbottom wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have a minor optimization suggestion.  Instead of this:
> > unless ($sth_routine_name) {
> >     #setup statement handle
> > }
> > Do this:
> > 
> > $sth_routine_name ||= $dbh->prepare(....);
> > pretty sure this is more efficient than setting up the unless block.

First, I should say that I think that the speed differences between
these methods are IMHO negligible in almost all situations and that one
should use the most readable version (I like ||=, btw. It looks neat).

> True, these are about the same, but in order of speed:
>      $i ||= 1;
>      $i = 1 unless $i;
>      $i = $i ? 1 : 0;
> All faster than:
>      unless ( $i) { $i = 0;}

Just for fun I tried that with perl 5.6.0 under Linux on a Pentium
II/233, and unless ( $i) { $i = 1; } came out fastest (yes, I changed 0
to 1 here. Otherwise it would not be equivalent to $i ||= 1):

                 Rate          ?: post unless         ||=      ||= do pre unless
?:          1440922/s          --        -53%        -57%        -76%       -80%
post unless 3086420/s        114%          --         -7%        -49%       -57%
||=         3333333/s        131%          8%          --        -45%       -53%
||= do      6024096/s        318%         95%         81%          --       -16%
pre unless  7142857/s        396%        131%        114%         19%         --

here is the script:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/;

my $i = 1;
cmpthese(5000_000, {
    '||='               => sub { $i ||= 1 },
    '||= do'            => sub { $i ||= do { 1 } },
    'post unless'       => sub { $i = 1 unless $i },
    'pre unless'        => sub { unless ($i) { $i = 1 } },
    '?:'                => sub { $i = $i ? $i : 1 },

I don't trust the Benchmark module, though. It reported one negative
"wallclock secs" value at every run, and the wallclock and usr times
differ too much for a test which should essentially take 100% user time.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer      | My definition of a stupid question is
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR / LUGA  | "a question that if you're embarassed to
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | ask it, you stay stupid."
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/   |    -- Tim Helck on dbi-users, 2001-07-30

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