Exactly what it says, you must specify the SID.  There are two things you
can do...

1.  Install myodbc from mysql site and set up a DSN with ODBC, then use
DBD::ODBC to connect.

2.  Install mysql client, DBD::MySQL and connect.

In the windows environment I usually prefer #1, though both should work


-----Original Message-----
From: Example user SuSE Linux 6.2
Sent: 10/5/01 11:39 AM
Subject: DBI connection from Win to a remote Oracle

Hi, I have not been able to find this on the DBI book or anywhere else
I have a script that uses DBI to connect from a linux client to a mysql
server on another linux machine via
a connect(
my $dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database_name;host=',....)
This runs fine.
Now this has to be run from a colleague who runs this on a Windows
machine connecting to a
 remote Oracle RDBMS
In his case he gets an error message:

DBI->connect(databasename;host= failed: Can't connect using
   syntax wit
   hout specifying a HOST and a SID at driver.pl line 334

Why is this and what do I need to change?

On a second question, suppose I need to execute
where sth is a statement handle for an INSERT. Some of the @tmp entries
are '', i.e. the empty string. How do I specify them to be NULL?


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