On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 23:56:39 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bart Lateur)

> On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:35:57 -0500, Stephen Clouse wrote:
> >This is not Oracle, but ANSI-standard behavior.  NULL represents the absence or 
> >non-existence of a value.  A non-existent value cannot be equal to anything.  So 
> >this is the correct behavior.  I personally don't think DBI should muck with 
> >proper behavior.
> My personal opinion is to disagree. To me, NULL means "empty". It is not
> the same as a zero length string. But empty is empty, thus NULL=NULL.

And I understand NULL as "value unknown". Sort of like someone filling
out a survey and picking "decline to answer" in the multiple-choice
possibilities for "household income".

If you have two "value unknowns", how can one know whether they're the
same? One of those "decline to answer" might make $200 a month, and
another $500'000. That's not the same income.

> Nitpicking that NULL != NULL, is only making our life harder.

But it's ANSI standard. You can't wish it away.


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