On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:01:25 +0200, Wolfgang Weisselberg wrote:

>    insert into bar (foo,baz) values ('NULL', 'inserted string NULL');
>    insert into bar (foo,baz) values ( NULL , 'inserted (undefined) NULL');
>    select * from bar where foo = ?

>Try binding 
>    my $bindvar = "NULL";
>and tell me which of the 2 rows will be selected.  Tell me
>what would happen if DBI transformed the NULL in $bindvar to
>"is null".

Bull. "NULL" is a string containing 4 characters. If you want NULL, try
undef. I really would like

        my $bindchar = undef;

to allow the system to select the second record from your example, and
NOT having to generate a whole different statement for the similar but
slightly different case where you go searching for NULL's.


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