You have you use version 0.91 of DBD::Sybase to connect to a mysql server.
I am using Freetds version 0.51.  This setup works fine and no odbc driver
is needed just DBD::Sybase.


Abilene Christian University
Lead Programmer, Web Integration and Programming
286 Adams Center for Teaching Excellence
(915) 674-2187
(915) 674-2834 (fax)
"...continue to walk like that One walked..."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Urlwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 7:48 PM
> To: Amit Gandre; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: unixODBC and FreeTDS to MS SQL Server.
> Well, I'm not especially solid on the FreeTDS.  I did not realize that
> FreeTDS supplied an ODBC driver.  I thought that FreeTDS was to
> be used with
> DBD::Sybase to talk to SQL Server.
> Jeff
> >
> > Hi
> >    I am having problems working with the DBD::ODBC driver.
> >
> >    I am using unixODBC and FreeTDS connecting to MS SQL Server. They
> > work well together and I have tested it. THe problem comes when I try
> > to use Perl DBD::ODBC (version 0.28). So, I know my DSN entery is ok.
> >
> >    This is the code (5 lines) and the Error I get. CAn you please tell
> > me why this may happen? I have tried searching for a week now.
> >
> >  #!/usr/bin/perl
> >  use DBI;
> >  use DBD::ODBC;
> >  my $DSN
> > ='driver={myserver};hostname=x.y.x;port=200;database=X;uid=x;pwd=x;';
> >  my $dbh= DBI->connect("dbi::ODBC:$DSN") or die "$DBI::errstr\n";
> >
> > The error I get is
> >
> > DBI->connect(....) failed:[unixODBC][Drver Manager] Data source name
> > not found, and no default driver specified (SQL-IM002).
> >
> > I have set the $DBI_DSN variable to dbi:odbc:myserver
> >
> > I know the unixODBC and the free TDS have been installed right.
> > Can you help me with this?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Amit
> >
> >

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