On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 09:52:12AM -0800, David Wheeler wrote:
> On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 09:10, Rudy Lippan wrote:
> >  +       return $str if $data_type && $no_escape[$data_type];
> >  +       $str =~ s/(['\\\0])/$esc{$&}/g;
> >                   ^^      ^^     ^^^^^
> > Umm.. Did you want that to be $1 instead of $&?
> No, but now that I think about it, I could probably eliminate the
> parentheses:
>  +       return $str if $data_type && $no_escape[$data_type];
>  +       $str =~ s/['\\\0]/$esc{$&}/g;

Using $1 would be a better solution, to avoid the performance penalty
incurred by using $&, especially within a module.

`perldoc perlvar`

       $&      The string matched by the last successful pattern
               match (not counting any matches hidden within a
               BLOCK or eval() enclosed by the current BLOCK).
               (Mnemonic: like & in some editors.)  This variable
               is read-only.

               The use of this variable anywhere in a program
               imposes a considerable performance penalty on all
               regular expression matches.  See the BUGS entry
               elsewhere in this manpage.


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