Hi All,

I have a SQLServer2000 server with WIN2000. Everyday, a database backup
file, which is zipped, gets FTP'ed from Zurich.
My job is to unzip the file and restore the database. I was trying to
automate this process using perl. I have written the unzip
part and the database restore part of the code. It is working fine. But I
would like to enhance the code by adding in some error
correction methods.

For example, a SQLServer Database Restore fails if the users have logged
onto that database and the following is the error
it generates.
-------------  Restore Error ----------------------
DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
Server]Exclusive access could not be obtained beca
use the database is in use. (SQL-37000)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE DATABASE is
terminating abnormally. (SQL-37000)(DBD: st_execute/S
QLExecute err=-1) at unzipkorvas.pl line 61, <UNZIP> line 6.
-------------  Restore Error ----------------------

I dont know if I'm doing it right, but I'm not able to trap the outcome of
the execute function. (ie, $edmsth->execute() ; )
and all I seem to be getting for the errstr() and err() is this "THe error
string is : THe error number is :  ".
Does anyone have any suggestions. Please note that I'm not an expert in


     my $edmdbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:Korvas","sa","limbo");
     my $edmsth = $edmdbh->prepare (qq [RESTORE DATABASE KORVAS_CGN FROM
     WITH      FILE = 1,
          STATS = 10,
          RECOVERY ,
          REPLACE ,
     MOVE      'KORVAS_UWS_Data' TO 'F:\\mssql2k\\data\\KORVAS_UWS.mdf',
     MOVE      'KORVAS_UWS_Log' TO 'F:

     printf LOGFILE "  \n\nThe Restore Process Started \@  " ;
     printf LOGFILE scalar localtime();

     $edmsth->execute() ;
     printf LOGFILE "THe error string is : ", $edmsth->errstr() ;
     printf LOGFILE "THe error number is : ", $edmsth->err() ;

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