"Ho, Tony" wrote:
> If the database goes down during the process of executing of the SELECT
> statements and writing to the file, what happens ?
Make sure that the RaiseError attribute is on for the DBI handle your working
on {RaiseError => 1}.  Then execute the SELECT statemts within an eval{} block
to trap any errors.  Test the exit status of $@ (see perldoc eval) to see if
there was an error retrieving the data - if no error write to file, something
like this:

open FH, ">$outfile" or die $!;

$sth->{RaiseError} = 1;

my $ary_ref;

eval {
        $ary_ref  = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;

if ($@) {
        warn "Error reading data: $@";
else {
        print FH @{$ary_ref}, "\n";

  Simon Oliver

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