What OS are you using?

You must also use the same compiler used to compile your Perl.


-----Original Message-----
From: projet gesfi
Sent: 2/4/02 6:20 AM
Subject: DBI install problem


I have to install  DBD/DBI modules on a sun machine. I downloaded all I
needed on the Tim Bruce FTP site or something like this. My Perl version
is 5.00503 and DBI is 1.20 and DBD is 1.12
I un-gzip, un-tar, launch the command perl Makefile.PL and until here
everything is OK. But when I launch the make command, I get a huge list
of warnings, ending with something like this : " error code 2. Can't
target for Perl.o ".
I really don't understand this . I am looking for someone who has met
already this problem... 


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