Jeff and Bodo,

Thanks for the suggestions.  After sleeping on it last night, I realized that I could 
use OLE to create the database.  Will work it up today.  I know I've seen this next 
question on lists before, but have never seen a good answer.  Has anyone compiled a 
list of OLE objects, methods and properties for various applications?  I'm not 
understanding what I'm reading in OLEVIEW.  Hope this isn't too off-topic.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Urlwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 8:35 PM
> To: Moulder, Glen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Create database
> Here's a cheat.
> 1) create, using MS Access, and EMPTY MDB file, no tables, nothing.
> 2) to create the db on the fly, then copy that file to your 
> file when you need to...
> 3) don't use a pre-configured DSN, just use the dsn-less approach.
>  Example (using MS Access):
>       my $DSN = 'driver=Microsoft Access Driver 
> (*.mdb);dbq=\\\\cheese\\g$\\perltest.mdb';
>       my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$DSN", '','') or die 
> "$DBI::errstr\n";
> 4) call create table in the perl script as necessary.
> Note use of UNC path (with \\\\server\\share\\dir\\path.mdb). 
>  It's important to use the UNC if it's a Web service or NT 
> service, as drive letters are not useful when running as a service.
> Jeff
> >
> > Alright, stupid newbie question - how do I (or can I) create a 
> > Microsoft Access database anew with perl and the DBI?
> >
> > Situation:  I have a number of working perl apps that are all built 
> > with flat file tables (for ease of use, since the 
> converted-from-COBOL 
> > !!! source data was very poor and I had to do a lot of 
> hand-editing of 
> > the data to clean it up).  The mostly-absentee pointy-haired boss 
> > comes along and says the apps are no good because they're not built 
> > with "real" databases. Tried explaining the concept of 
> relating tables 
> > by keys, he didn't get it, so Access is his poison of choice.
> >
> > Being intrinisically lazy, I wanna use perl to create all the .MDBs 
> > and their tables, including the metadata, in one fell swoop.  I see 
> > all kinds of information in Programming the Perl DBI and in 
> Win32 Perl 
> > Programming, in the docs and on the web about connecting to 
> a DSN or 
> > even creating a new DSN fresh with Win32::ODBC, but I don't 
> see how to 
> > create the database itself. Is it possible without using the ODBC 
> > administrator?
> >
> > Please hold the rocks and bottles,
> > Glen
> >

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