Since I hadn't heard back from anyone, I did some more research and playing
around and got the right combination and here are results:

For DSN-Less connection string that can be used with Informix Client-SDK 2.5
ODBC driver to connect using Perl (5.005_3) on Win32, DBI, DBD::ODBC (0.28)

1. Once the Informix Client-SDK has been installed, there is a Informix
Client-SDK utility called SetNet32 that has be run to set up the proper
Informix vars, such as host, server, service, etc. for a given
server/database and then that server has to be designated as the default
2. Also make sure in your winXX/system32/drivers/etc/Services file, the
proper Informix service and port no./service are set up.

If the above is done then the following should work in order to connect to
Informix using DBI and ODBC without a DSN (

my $dsn ='driver={INFORMIX 3.32 32
# protocol name above is olsoctcp, other protocols will work as long as
supported by network
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsn", { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1});

DSN...Leave home without it!

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