Hello...it's late and I may very well be brain-dead...that aside...
Does a failed PREPARE close the db handle or am I doing something wrong?  When a 
prepare fails I want to exit with a return code of 243.  I don't want to waste or tie 
up resources, and I assume that I am still connected and execute a disconnect. But 
execution stops at the disconnect and never gets to the part that sets the return 

The results are:
in processError, reason PrepareFailed select table_name, noSuch_column, avg_row_len 
from all_tables where owner = 'SCOTT' order by table_name DBI::db=HASH(0x1dc2744)
Tool completed with exit code 255

(I execute from within Textpad  (no editor wars need be started :-))  )

I forced an error in the prepare by passing a bad column name on a select 
excerpt... <<watch out for wrap/split of lines>>
my $dbConn = connect2DB($path_script[0]);  #read connection info from file in script 
                                           #  then connect to the database
#I know I connect properly cuz the next statement returns valid data if used
#    regardless the connect2DB sub is included too  (sorry for the length)
#my $stmt1 = "select table_name, tablespace_name, avg_row_len from all_tables ";
my $stmt1 = "select table_name, noSuch_column, avg_row_len from all_tables ";
my $stmt2 = "where owner = 'SCOTT' ";
my $stmt3 = 'order by table_name';
my $mCols = $stmt1.$stmt2.$stmt3;
my $mColsth = $dbConn->prepare( $mCols ) or 
sub processError
    my $rc;
    print "in processError, reason @_\n";
    if ($_[0] =~ /^BadOpen/) {
            print RUNLOG "Could not open $_[1] \n";
            print RUNLOG "Possible causes: \n";
            print RUNLOG "  File does not exist.\n";
            print RUNLOG "  Insufficient file permissions \n";
            print RUNLOG "Exiting with RC=241 \n";
            $rc = 241;
        }elsif ($_[0] =~ /^ConnErr/) {
            print RUNLOG "Failed to connect to $_[1] as $_[2]\n";
            print RUNLOG "Received diagnostic message:\n $DBI::errstr\n";
            print RUNLOG "Possible causes: \n";
            print RUNLOG "  ConnInfo.dat may contain bad data\n";
            print RUNLOG "     expecting three lines, db service name, id, and 
            print RUNLOG "  Server may be unavailable\n";
            print RUNLOG "  DB Service name may not be defined\n";
            print RUNLOG "  Password may have been changed\n";
            print RUNLOG "Exiting with RC=242 \n";
            $rc = 242;
        }elsif ($_[0] =~ /^PrepareFailed/) {
            print RUNLOG "Prepare Failed for $_[1]\n";
            print RUNLOG "Received diagnostic message:\n $DBI::errstr\n";
            print RUNLOG "Disconnecting from DB\n";
            my $dbrc = $_[2]->disconnect;
            print RUNLOG "Exiting with RC=243 \n";
            $rc = 243;
        }elsif ($_[0] =~ /^ExecuteFailed/) {
            print RUNLOG "Execute Failed for $_[1]\n";
            print RUNLOG "Received diagnostic message:\n $DBI::errstr\n";
            print RUNLOG "Exiting with RC=244 \n";
            $rc = 244;

sub connect2DB
    my $connInfoFile = "$_[0]ConnInfo.dat";   #add path info, if any, to file name 
    printIt("\nConnection Info file: $connInfoFile");
    open(CONNINFO, "<$connInfoFile") or processError("BadOpen","$connInfoFile");
    my @connInfo = <CONNINFO>;     #read all records in the file into an array
    chomp @connInfo;               #remove the new line characters 
    close (CONNINFO);              #hostname, uid, pwd

    my $connString = $connInfo[1].'@'.$connInfo[0];
    my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:',"$connString","$connInfo[2]")
                   or processError ("ConnErr",@connInfo);
    printIt("Connected to DB Service Name: $connInfo[0]  user: $connInfo[1]  pwd: 
return $dbh;                  #return the database connection handle

####end snip### 

My RUNLOG shows:
OracleTest Log  STARTED  03/26/2002  19:58:22  File 

Connection Info file: U:\Perl_Info\TestDir\ConnInfo.dat
Connected to DB Service Name: mp3u  user: scott  pwd: *******

Executing Query for more information about the tables owned by SCOTT

Prepare Failed for select table_name, noSuch_column, avg_row_len from all_tables where 
owner = 'SCOTT' order by table_name
Received diagnostic message:
 ORA-00904: invalid column name (DBD: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 20 in 
'select table_name, <*>noSuch_column, avg_row_len from all_tables where owner = 
'SCOTT' order by table_name')
Disconnecting from DB

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