I am running Windows’98 and ActiveState Perl 5.6.1! I am trying to use
forks and DBI and DBD::Mysql modules !  
Using just forks is ok , using just DBI and DBD::Myslq modules is ok ,
when I try to use both ( forks and database modules ) I get a nice
Windows error “ This Program has performed an illegal operation and will
be shut down “ , “Perl caused an invalid page fault in module Perl56.dll
at … “ and a nice message at the command prompt like : 
“panic: DBI active kids (-1) < 0 or > kids (0) at fork.pl line 7.
Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect.
DBI handle cleared whilst still active.”
            Could you please give a hint about what am I doing wrong?
            I attached the script that gave the error and the Windows
crush message ! 
                  Thank you !
                     Bogdan Badiu
            PS:  I have installed ActivePerl and DBI and DBD::MySQL
under Linux and the script run ok ! 
            PS2: Sorry for the retransmission, but an antivirus blocked
my script! I am including it in my mail! 
use strict;
use DBI;
my $dbh =
my $pid;
if (($pid=fork())==0)
            { print "Son \n";
            { $dbh->{'InactiveDestroy'}=0;
              print "Parent ...\n";

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