(first off apologies for the huge sig, theres nothing I can do about it)

have been using table_info to get a list of tables (I'll leave the story
behind it out)

Effectively I want a list of all "TABLE", so the code 

my %attr = (
       TABLE_CAT   => undef # String value of the catalog name
     , TABLE_SCHEM => undef   # String value of the schema name
     , TABLE_NAME  => undef    # String value of the table name
     , TABLE_TYPE  => 'TABLE'     # String value of the table type(s)

my $sth = $dbh->table_info(\%attr);

my $out = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
print Dumper($out);

should suffice, and does.  Unfortunately due to the way that table_info is
written this produces warnings (which is rather unfortunate as we're using
IPlanet (**ugh** not my choice) which kills the script if anything is
produced on standard error.

The offending peice of code is :-

        if ( $CatVal eq '%' && $SchVal eq '' && $TblVal eq '') { # Rule 19a
                $Sql = <<'SQL';
        elsif ( $SchVal eq '%' && $CatVal eq '' && $TblVal eq '') { # Rule
                $Sql = <<'SQL';
        elsif ( $TypVal eq '%' && $CatVal eq '' && $SchVal eq '' && $TblVal
eq '') { # Rule 19c
                $Sql = <<'SQL';

The tests against $CatVal, $SchVal, $TblVal and $TypVal produce 
"use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/dbd/oracle.pm line 327."

I'm in the process of running through my alterations to DBD::Oracle which
fix this (to make sure I haven't done anything drastically stupid), if you
would like me to submit them to you then I am happy to do so.

Gareth Harper


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