On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:27:57 -0400 "Condle, Joseph P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke 
> The Errors
> >From the html form netscape Error  The document contained no data. 
> Try again later, or contact the server's administrator

The code isn't actually printing a web page. Just a header.

> The error_log of the apache web server
> Printf() on closed filehandle JOE at insert.pl line 59.
> Printf() on closed filehandle JOE at insert.pl line 61.
> Printf() on closed filehandle JOE at insert.pl line 62.
> Printf() on closed filehandle JOE at insert.pl line 63.
> Printf() on closed filehandle JOE at insert.pl line 64.

I assume without counting that those lines are these lines:

open(***DAN***, "> postOra.txt");
printf ***JOE*** "ssn %s is %s \n",$ssn; 
printf JOE "fname %s is %s \n",$fname; 
printf JOE "lname %s is %s \n",$lname; 
printf JOE "city %s is %s \n",$city; 
printf JOE "state %s is %s \n",$state; 
printf JOE "zip %s is %s \n",$zip; 

> Vilolated (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute at insert.pl line 77

Where did this come from? "Vilolated"? Did you give us the actual code?

Anyway, the problem is a little unclear after the above problems are
addressed. You say the record is being created? Is the new record

As a general rule, you should always test the results of each DBI
statement. Just running $sth->execute(); is not enough.

Also, you will find...

use CGI qw(:standard);
my $fname = param('fname');

...much easier than recreating the wheel for web forms.


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