I think the jakarta-tomcat-connectors distributions has an nt service
installer that, though designed for installing tomcat, works for
installing other things as services.

Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Karyn Ulriksen wrote:

> I've read back into the archives and the search engines looking for an
> answer to this, but to no avail.  So if I missed it in the archives, I
> apologize in advance.
> My DBIproxy happily runs on my Win2K box and I am able to interact quite
> well with my MS SQL server from unix boxes (which was the point).  However,
> I would like to take advantages of some of the Services features, such as
> automatic start on boot, and retry on service failure.  I've tried what I
> have found on introducing a new service and have tried to apply this to
> DBIproxy.bat, without any success.
> To date, I've tried the following:
>    Introducing into the registry
> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/dbiproxy" and
>       creating the Parameters subkey with the path reference as a value.
> I've tried this with both
>       regedit and regedt32.  Rebooting, etc.., and it still doesn't show
> up in the Services listings so that I
>       can adjust parameters (seems neater than also introducing start
> parameters directy to the registry).
>       Perhaps the services won't recognize a .bat file?
>    InstallUtils.exe -> I'm waiting for my new MSDN .Net subscription to
> arrive in "7-10" days.  Doesn't seem to
> be available outside of MSDN yet.
>    Srvinst ->  Similar problem to above.  No access to the Windows NT
> resource Kit at this time and it doesn't seem to be "floating" out there or
> interesting enough to be available via the jolly roger crews out there.
>    That being said... I have to believe that I'm not the only one trying to
> run DBIproxy on a Win2K box in a background mode....
>     Would someone please point me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance!!
> Karyn

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