Hi, I am running Mac OS X 10.1.3 and perl-5.7.2. I have my
POSTGRES_LIB variable set correctly:

             setenv PG /usr/local/pgsql
             setenv POSTGRES_INCLUDE $PG/include
             setenv POSTGRES_LIB     $PG/lib

but I am getting errors at the make test phase of compilation:

t/00basic...........dyld: /Users/metaperl/install/perl/bin/perl Undefined symbols:

        Test returned status 67 (wstat 17152, 0x4300)
t/01connect.........skipped test on this platform
t/01setup...........skipped test on this platform
t/02prepare.........skipped test on this platform
t/03bind............skipped test on this platform
t/04execute.........skipped test on this platform
t/05fetch...........skipped test on this platform
t/06disconnect......skipped test on this platform
t/07reuse...........make: *** [test_dynamic] Interrupt

[cae31-196-124:~/.cpan/build/DBD-Pg-1.13] metaperl% t/00basic...........dyld: 
/Users/metaperl/install/perl/bin/perl Undefined symbols:

        Test returned status 67 (wstat 17152, 0x4300)
t/01connect.........skipped test on this platform
t/01setup...........skipped test on this platform
t/02prepare.........skipped test on this platform
t/03bind............skipped test on this platform
t/04execute.........skipped test on this platform
t/05fetch...........skipped test on this platform
t/06disconnect......skipped test on this platform
t/07reuse...........make: *** [test_dynamic] Interrupt

[cae31-196-124:~/.cpan/build/DBD-Pg-1.13] metaperl% 

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