
>From my favorite site comes an excellent answer about
this question with regards to Oracle specific

hope it serves you well.

People have lots of different approaches.  I tend to
follow whatever this guy (Tom Kyte) recommends.  He is

This has been asked a lot around here.

--- Linda Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am a beginner of using perl.
> I need to write a script to retrived records from
> oracle database and
> display them in CGI web page by n records per page. 
> I use an array reference to store all the records :
>      $re_list_ref=$dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,{},
> @bind);
> How could I make a URL to display next n records? Do
> I need to create a
> package to print the records? or use a template
> file? or redirect to itself?
> Linda Xu
> General Magic

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