I have a question about connecting to one of two different FTP
servers.  This is a libnet question that I know if off topic, but PLEASE
help me.  I have a MySQL database running and I use Perl/DBI to populate the
database.  I am using libnet to FTP the data to the server, and then post
data from the local server.  I know that I could post data from the remote
machines with DBI, but I feel that limiting the account that posts to the
database to the local system provides a bit of security.  Anyway, a group of
my systems are on the other side of a firewall that does not allow FTP
traffic.  I am trying to figure out a way to somehow test the FTP
connection, and if the connection is unsuccessful then I want to FTP to a
different server instead.  I have been handling this by having a different
version of the script that simply transfers to the alternate, but I don't
want to have to maintain two different scripts.
        Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance, and sorry for
posting off topic.

Scott Nipp
Phone:  (214) 858-1289
Web:  http:\\ldsa.sbcld.sbc.com

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